Sunday, December 21, 2008

prima ballerina...forget it!

Addie had her very first dance recital yesterday. We were so excited because she loves to dance around the house and when I watch her at her class she always does great. Well I think I fed my baby princess to the wolves because she did not enjoy herself yesterday.

Her class was the first dance and soon as the curtain rose Addie covered her eyes and looked very annoyed. She picked up her little phone and scowled towards her teacher who was trying to get Addie to dance.

By the time the second number came I was hoping that she would be used to the idea and would be able to perform. Well not exactly. The curtain rose and as the ballerina filed onto the stage Addie came out with her head down and proclaimed very loudly, "OH NO NOT AGAIN!!!" Yes she defiantly stole the show with that comment everyone heard her and began laughing. She then stood there with her ears covered for the whole number. She was not happy about the performance but still she was the cutest one up there. She did however enjoy the cookies that were served after the recital and decided she might like dance recitals after all.


The Smith Family said...

Priceless! That comment was too funny! I bet you were dying!

Stofam said...

Hilarious!! We so wish we were there! I busted up laughing at that one.