The kids went to the dentist for the first time yesterday. I was expecting the worse, screaming, crying, kicking, whining, etc. What I didn't expect was the to like it. Yes I said like it. The dental office made it so much fun for them. The each got to pick out their own special toothbrush and prizes for being so well behaved.
Addie has a cavity in the front but we are getting it fixed for her next week. Asher had no cavities but does have an under bite that will have to be corrected with jaw correction and braces when he gets older. The under bite isn't that bad so braces might be enough. Anyways the kids are already asking to go back to the dentist.
Good for your kids! I'm hoping Kenna will be that way when I finally take her!
It's so nice what the dentists do now for the kids!
Is your address still the same as last year for Christmas cards or have you guys moved??
Cuties! okay, did you start a new blog and I missed this? PS What's your address? You can email it to me at
I miss Addie and Asher! They were so much fun on their visit with Grandma and Grandpa!! Kuddos to that Dentist office! What great kids you have! Tell Matt we love him and hope is is well. Ya'll have a Merry Christmas!
How cute! The kids are getting so big and I cant believe they are going to the dentist. Where has the time gone!?!
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