I feel very lucky to have very complimentary family. My husband compliments me even when I don't deserve it and Asher has always been my little sweetie. However the sweetest thing that was ever told to me was by my little angel Addie. I guess you will have to know one thing before I tell what she told me. That one thing is that despite my best efforts she LOVES T.V. I believe it is an addiction because I love TV too where as my husband and son can care less for TV. Even though Addie and I love T.V. we don't spend hours in front of it a day. Just a movie or cartoon each day but no more than 2 hours and many days none at all. That being said, last night I was snuggling her in her bed trying to get her to fall asleep when she turned to me squeezing me tight and said, "You are the best mommy. I love you even if you are mad at me. I even will love you if I never get to watch T.V. ever again."
It was the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I am not quite sure why she chose those examples of adoration for me for I have not been mad at her nor taken away her t.v. but if she will love me even if I do I know that must be a lot.